IB Results 2024: Remarkable achievements for the 20th year running for Zlatarski International School
60 students from Zlatarski International School of Sofia sat the May 2024 exam session to acquire their International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme diplomas and certificates. This is the largest IB Diploma class in Bulgaria. This year we received 85 excellent grades as the students defended their knowledge of Bulgarian language and literature, English language and literature, History, Economics, Digital Society, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, German, Spanish and Theory of Knowledge. For yet another year IB results at Zlatarski International School are comparable to the results of the best international schools in the world. We educate our students in first-class international programs such as Cambridge Secondary, IGCSE and the International Baccalaureate, and this is what makes their preparation for prestigious universities possible here in Bulgaria. Zlatarski graduates of the Class of 2024 have done outstandingly well in their university admissions this year being admitted to university programmes in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, France and Sweden.
Nearly 200,000 students from over 136 countries have completed the International Baccalaureate program this year. The most prestigious universities open their doors to them. The IB experience is priceless, teaching our students the ability to understand and be successful in a global society.
Top International Baccalaureate scores of Class 2024: The highest scores 7 (max 7) in IB English were received by Nicol Dimitrova, Nia Yordanova, Kalina Koynova, Anna Walker and Alexandrina Petkova while 35 other students received excellent 6 marks at high level. In IB Bulgarian the top results belong to Jizel Gencheva, Kalina Koynova, Nikol Dimitrova, Alexander Radulov, Yoana Ivanova and Borislav Grebenarov. In IB Physics Atanas Dimitrov scored 7 (out of 7) at high level and he also scored with 7 (out of 7) in IB Chemistry, while Kalina Koynova and Nicol Dimitrova had the highest scores in IB Biology. The best results in IB Mathematics at high level were achieved by Atanas Dimitrov, Ioana Ivanova and Borislav Grebenarov and the top results at Mathematics standard level belong to Nicol Dimitrova, Kalina Koynova, Ira-Maria Vodenska and Matrin Dimitrov. In IB History, the highest achievements are by Kalina Koynova, Jizel Gencheva and Viktor Nikolchev , while in IB Economics the best results belong to Atanas Dimitrov, Ioana Ivanova, Nicol Dimitrova and Ira-Maria Vodenska. In IB Digital Society, Kalina Koynova, Borislav Grebenarov and Alexander Radulov scored the highest result this year. In IB German maximum results 7 (out of 7) were achieved by Kalina Koynova and Viktor Rusev and in IB Spanish the highest marks 7 (out of 7) belong to Ira-Maria Vodenska and Anna Walker. The strongest diploma Extended Essays were awarded to Niya Petrova, Maria Nishtelkova, Jizel Gencheva, Borislav Grebenarov, Viktor Nikolchev, Ioana Ivanova, Nicol Dimitrova and Karina Zhelyazkova. The best Theory of Knowledge essays belong to Andrey Sachkov, Rania Fereva, Nicol Dimitrova, Monika Vassileva, Maria Nishtelkova, Kalina Koynova, Ivana Ivanova, Ira-Maria Vodenska and Viktor Rusev.
International Baccalaureate Diploma 2024 Top Students: We congratulate all students who have achieved six or seven (max 7) in their International Baccalaureate exams, as such success is highly valued by top universities around the world as it ensures students’ ability to succeed in university education. This year the top bilingual IB Diplomas were achieved by Atanas Dimitrov (38 points), who is admitted to study Mechanics at ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Kalina Koynova (38 points), who will be studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at SEU, Austria; Nicol Dimitrova (38 points), who will be studying Computer Science at University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom; Ira-Maria Vodenska (35 points), who will be studying Economics and Business Economics at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and Ioana Ivanova (34 points), who is admitted to study Architecture at Loughborough University, United Kingdom. Zlatarski graduates of the Class of 2024 have done outstandingly well in their university admissions this year being admitted to prestigious university programmes in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, France and Sweden.
University Destinations Our students from the Class of 2024 will be studying Medicine at Hamburg University in Germany; Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science at Tilburg University in the Netherlands; Robotics Engineering in the United Kingdom; International Law at University of Vienna; War Studies at King’s College London, Psychology at City University London, International Economic Relations at UNSS Sofia; Cybersecurity at Howest University in Belgium; European Studies and Business Administration at the American University in Bulgaria; Underground Еngineering at the University of Mining and Geology in Sofia; Cultural Studies at Sofia University; Electro Engineering and Information technology at Karlsruhe University of Applied Science, Germany; Business Psychology at Bamberg University, Germany; Economics and Social Studies, Economics and Management at Bocconi University in Italy; Fashion Management and Marketing as well as Painting and Visual Arts at NABA, Italy; Economics and Management at Cattolica University; Global Law at Luiss University in Italy; Business Management and Marketing as well as Digital Communication at EU Business School in Spain; Computer Science at the Technical University of Maastricht; International Business Administration at the Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherlands; Business Management at Erasmus University; Business Administration at the University of Amsterdam; Global Business and International Business in France; Mathematics and Statistics at Lund University, Sweden. We wish all of our students success in their university education!
We want to thank our dedicated teachers for their hard work and professionalism. Their commitment to the students and the school is the reason behind these outstanding results. From all of us, including parents and the school, we applaud them for always supporting our students to do their best at Zlatarski International School. We should not forget that being an IB student is not at all easy, as students in addition to all IB Diploma exams have to prepare for the State Matriculation Exams, so that they can receive two diplomas – a Bulgarian Diploma for Secondary Education and International Baccalaureate Bilingual Diploma and Certificates. Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
In 2023 Zlatarski International School celebrated 20 years since the introduction of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. The school was founded in 1995 as an English language secondary school, and in 2003 it became the first International Baccalaureate (IB) world school in Bulgaria. Today, Zlatarski International School celebrates the highest results in all IB subjects and excellent placement of its IB graduates in the world’s most selective universities and programmes. The experience of Zlatarski International School in teaching the International Baccalaureate, accumulated over the years, helps the school to update and structure its curriculum to offer the best education for our students in Bulgaria.
In September 2024, Zlatarski International School will welcome a new cohort of 11th graders, who will begin their studies in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program with the school’s traditional IB Retreat.