NewsNews 2016/2017

Mock matura exams for 12 grade students at Zlatarski International School

On 11 and 12 April 2017 the 12th grade students at Zlatarski International School will sit the mock matura exams in Bulgarian language and literature and in English. Mock matura exams at Zlatarski School help our students in their preparation for the final matura exams at the end of grade 12. Students’ written work is marked against the official criteria and students receive advice from their teachers on how to best prepare for the final exams.

This year the Bulgarian matura exams will take place on:
19 May – Bulgarian language and literature;
22 May – second freely selected matura subject.

In addition to the two Bulgarian matura exams, in May 2017 our students will sit more than 20 international exams as part of their International Baccalaureate Diplomas and certificates.

Good luck to all of our students!