Graphic calculators in Mathematics classes at Zlatarski School

The latest generation graphic calculators Texas Instruments NSpire are now integrated in Mathematics and Science lessons at Zlatarski School. They are required for all students in grades 11 and 12 part of the International Baccalaureate programme at the School. The graphic calculator has a colour display and allows the transfer of data through Wi-Fi. It supports 3D graphs, which picture mathematical operations in a more realistic way. From the 2013/2014 school year work with the graphic calculators start also students in grades 9 and 10 as part of the International GCSE programme.
The laboratory in Physics, Biology and Chemistry is equipped with Vernier Lab Quest data loggers and it complied with international educational standards for laboratory work. The Vernier Lab equipment is fully integrated with the graphic calculators Texas Instruments NSpire and the Interactive Whiteboard StarBoard, which are installed in every classroom at Zlatarski School. Connecting the data loggers to the graphic calculators and the interactive whiteboards allows students to collect data in real time, to analyse them and to display them graphically.
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