"Congratulations! Be alert and be active": The views of our graduates

Gabriela Hristova graduates from Zlatarski International School in 2013 with excellent. Here she also obtained the International Baccalaureate Diploma with 40 points, with maximum marks of 7(out of 7) in Bulgarian literature, German, Economics and Mathematics. Gabriela is a first year student in Law at one of the most selective universities in London – Queen Mary (University of London).
This is what she shared with us at the beginning of the 2013/2014 school year.
‘Dear teachers, parents, dear students,
When I was little, my parents used to tell me the story about the boy, who dreamt of reaching the stars and as with every dream there was a path to it – a path with studying, principles, moral and challenges. The little boy grew up and walked his way through all challenges and reached the stars. However, after achieving its dream, he remembered the beginning of his path at his old school with the big yard, full of friends from which he dreamt of growing up.
In the process of writing this speech, I remembered this story from my childhood and I felt nostalgic about my first day at Zlatarski School when I entered this very school. I was just there where the new 8 graders are and with the same apprehension I was awaiting the first school bell, my new friends and the beginning of my five year experience at our school.
Why am I telling you this story? Because we all follow our dreams, but it is also important to acknowledge that the path we walk is not less beautiful than them. Unfortunately at school this moment comes when you leave the school and you realise that you will never go back to be a happy student, ready to challenge all of those committed teachers.
Today from the perspective of a graduate of Zlatarski School I find this piece of advice most valuable – enjoy your time at school, because it is the most amazing time in the life of a person; listen to the advice of your teachers, because they are your true friends; believe in your education, because it will take you to the stars and beyond; do not be afraid from the challenges, they are there to make your success sweeter.
I wish you a wonderful school year, full of happiness and new friendships’.

Victoria Kovacheva graduated from Zlatarski International School in 2012. At the moment she is studying Cinema and TV Studies at NBU and from 2014 she will be moving to Berlin, where she will be studying Visual Communications.
We are publishing Victoria’s comment, which was first published on Facebook.
“Congratulations! I will all, younger and older, to never stop studying, because life is a big challenge and we are always studying. Be alert and be active!
And for some of the students – it is not cool to not be able to write your name in grade 12. It is not cool to drink and listen to chalga. It is not cool to communicate through the texts of chalga songs. It is not cool to weak high heals and suspenders on your first day of school, simply because there are holes outside on the street. it is not cool to share where you got drunk last night and who managed to throw up more. It is not cool to not be able to hold the pen because of your long manicure. It is not cool to graduate school as a while board, which needs to be written on from the very beginning.
And for some of the teachers – it is important that you know the definition of a teacher before you call yourself a teacher. Calling yourself a teacher does not mean that you know everything. It is not teacher like to go to work with inappropriate clothing, it is not teacher like to make the ‘tc tc’ sounds in students’ faces. It is not student like to project your own fears to students, because you have to think of the next generation. To be a teacher is privilege. It is not teacher like to show a student how stupid they are, but to teach them. No one was born with an education.
And finally.. do not forget about the hygiene of your brains, as you do not forget to get dressed in the morning”