NewsNews 2010/2011Service

After Rome, the First Thracian Cohort will march in Sofia

On Sunday, May 15 First Thracian Cohort will march on Vitosha Blvd. in Sofia. The parade will announce the fourth edition of the Festival of Ancient Heritage Eagle on the Danube, which runs from 27th to May 29th in Svishtov. Zlatarski School will take part in the event under the leadership of Mrs Poli Micheva, teacher of Latin, Culture and Civilization at the school.

The program of the event includes:

* 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. – Procession of Roman legionnaires and vestals on Vitosha Boulevard with endpoint National Palace of Culture.
* 1:30 p.m. – 2 p.m. – Show reconstruction “Roman Legion in the province of Thrace recruit soldiers” – in front of the National Palace of Culture.
* 2 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Time for audience and fans to take photos of themselves with Roman legionnaires, vestals, and equipment of the cohort – swords, helmets, shields, etc.

The event is held with the support of Sofia mayor Mrs. Yordanka Fandakova; parade organizers are Svishtov Club – Sofia, Svishtov Municipality and Council of Tourism-Svishtov.