AcademicNewsNews 2013/2014

16.05.2013 – Days of Sts Cyril and Methodius at Zlatarski School

DSCN1418_small16.05. was the day devoted to Bulgarian language and literature from the Middle Ages and the work for the brothers Sts Cyril and Methodius. The day was the culmination of the month of language and literature at Zlatarski International School.  The forum included readings, speeches, awards and quiz including 3 teams from the 9 graders, who had prepared under the leadership of the Bulgarian language and literature teachers Mrs Daniela Iskrenova and Mrs Ilvie Konedareva. The official guests who attended the event were also members of the jury panel including – Dr Jordanka Velkova and Dr Velimira Ivanova from Sofia University and Mr Yoto Patsov – writer and journalist.

The quiz became a real celebration of language. The three stages of the quiz involved a lot of competition and demonstrated the knowledge and commitment of our 9th graders to Bulgarian language and culture today, to the problems of language and the importance of the Sts Cyril and Methodius in the modern times. Students from 9b class got the first place, followed by 9a and 9c class.
DSCN1477_smallAfter the quiz Bilyana Yankulova, student in 9b class and a participant in the winning team commented: „I am happy that all of the people in my team worked together (Bilyana Yankulova, Nikolay Dobrev, Stefan Sirakov, Victoria Todorova from 9b class). We had prepared in advance for the discussion after doing research. The topic of the discussion in round three was “Foreign words in Bulgarian language”. We argues that over the years Bulgarians have adopted a lot of foreign words in order to sound more international. In every day language people use foreign words without really knowing what they mean – to sound modern, to sound more up to date, which sometimes makes them sound inappropriate. Our opinion is that given the fact that there are Bulgarian words with the same meaning, people should avoid the overuse of foreign words. Participating in this quiz was very useful for me, and I learned a lot of interesting facts about the development of Bulgarian language and literature and I will be happy to participate in such events in the future. ”