NewsNews 2010/2011Service

Zlatarski School wins the project "Stop Missing Opportunities"

The Project „Stop Missing Opportunities” of Zlatarski International School is among the 45 European School Project awarded the financing of the Academy for Central European Schools

The motto of this year’s school initiative – “Building bridges in societies – volunteer in your communities” is linked to the European Year of Volunteering 2011/ . A total of 132 projects applied for the awards. The aim is to support those who work and take care of others and for society on a volunteering basis. For example, students who help their peers at school, the organisation of concerts for the elderly, students organising projects against discrimination. Everyone can be a volunteer and in addition to personal achievement, volunteering helps in the development of lifelong skills. The partnership between schools in two or three countries offer the opportunity for intercultural exchange by contributing for the ‘bridging’ of different cultures and societies.

The Project  „Stop Missing Opportunities” (September 2011 – March 2012)
This project is the result of the work of Zlatarski International School and th School for Economics and Tourism, Bar, Montenegro. The students are the main actors of the projects and they will have the chance to participate in numerous volunteering opporunities both in their home countries and in their partner school countries. One of the projects taking place in Bulgaria under the leadership of Zlatarski School students is the making of martenici (in both countries these are made, but these are made differently). The martenitsi will be then donated to the children in the Asen Zlatarov Home in Nadejda. The school exchange will not only enrich our students’ experience, but it will also contribute for the development of key skills such as teamwork, exchange of ideas and a greater feeling of tolerance and social responsibility. Last but not least, the students will be able to develop new friendships with their peers.

What next?
The Project Coordinator at Zlatarski School, Anna Joukivskaya, together with a student who will be nominated by the teachers and headmaster at the school, are officially invited to represent the school at the Kick-off Meeting in Saraievo, Bosnia and Herzegovina in September 2011. This initiative is part of the mission of Zlatarski School to develop active, responsible, risk-taking, tolerant young people, who contribute to the world around them without necessarily seeking a reward in return.