NewsNews 2009/2010Service

19 – 23 октомври 2009: Седмица на Устойчивото Развитие в Гимназия Златарски

19 – 23 октомври 2009: Седмица на Устойчивото Развитие в Гимназия Златарски
The Sustainable Development Week at Zlatarski School takes place on Monday 19th to Friday 23rd October 2009. During this one week at Zlatarski School there will be lots of different activities in different subjects. For example, in Biology the 9th grades will play The Pollution game where students can see how as each business generates profit it also pollutes air, water or both. At some point all competing players have to cooperate and decide on actions to lower the pollution levels because if lethal concentrations are reached all players lose, that is everyone dies. In Geography and Physics there are going to be student presentations on the use of renewable energy sources. In Economics the possibilities of achieving sustainable economic development without wasting resources will be discussed. The Historians will be looking at the long chain of wars over the control of natural resources. The sustainable development will also be discussed in English and Bulgarian Language classes and we plan to watch Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’.

As for Zlatarski School’s contribution to the Global Day of Climate action, we will plant some Geranium plants in the shape of 350 on the school campus where everyone can see it and send the picture. We chose Geranium for two reasons, on the one hand the end of October is not the best planting season in Bulgaria so few species will survive. But on the other hand geranium is the symbol of health in Bulgaria, and we want to emphasize on this symbolic representation of the global climate health.